*1.Your Name: Andrew
*2.Timezone: GMT -5
*3.What Country: United states.
4.hours online: Anytime I am near a pc I could be on.
5.Staff Experiance: I have a lot of experince with being a dev and forum mod.
*6.Date of birth 20/14/95
7.Why you want to be a staff: To help out the server.
8.What do you think you can do for this community: Help it out with good stuff.
9.If you was the Owner/Co/Head-Admin, Would you make yourself staff/Why: Yes, because I am a very good person and know how to reate maps in a matter of hours.
10.How long have you played GunZ: 2years
11.What Interest you to be staff: Help out the server.
12.Do you like Coloring/Recoloring: No.
13.Do you consider yourself good at it: No.
14.What would you do as your job of a GM: Help get hackers, swappers, etc...
15.If you dont get accepted what will you do: I would be shocked.
16.What would you do if you was removed from staff with/without cause: Why would you do that to me?